Friday 6/25

Partner WOD
With a Partner:

10 Deadlifts each, 225#/155#
15 Box Jumps each, 24"/20"
20/15 Calories Echo Bike each

Directly Into

10 Toes-to-Bar each
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press each, 50#/35#, left arm
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press each, 50#/35#, right arm

Directly Into

10 Deadlifts each, 225#/155#
15 Box Jumps each, 24"/20"
20/15 Calories Echo Bike each
10 Toes-to-Bar each
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press each, 50#/35#, left arm
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press each, 50#/35#, right arm

Summer is Coming
Barbell Curl
5 x 9-12

Wednesday 6/23

Skill Work
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch
Build to Heavy Set, then 90% x 1 x 2-3
If you are new to the Snatch, keep it light and take it slow. Stay super focused on your form.

10 Kettlebell Snatch, 24kg/16kg, left
20 Double Unders OR 10 Mountain Climbers
10 Kettlebell Snatch, 24kg/16kg, right
20 Double Unders OR 10 Mountain Climbers
20 Kettlebell Swings, 24kg/16kg

Tuesday 6/22

5x3 Curtis P's
Curtis P = Clean, Lunge on both legs, Push Press.
Increase weight with each set.

4 Rounds for Total Reps:
0:45 Renegade Rows, alternating
0:15 Rest
0:45 Russian Twists
0:15 Rest
0:45 Pushups
0:15 Rest
0:45 Suitcase Walking Lunges
0:15 Rest