Friday 5/7

Skill Work
Handstand Pushup/Barbell Curl

Spend 15:00 working on one of the following:
-Strict Deficit Handstand Pushup
-Strict Handstand Pushup
-Pike Handstand Pushup
-Pike Handstand Pushup on Knees
-Seated Dumbbell Press

Select a variation (or a weight) that is challenging for sets of 4-6. Work submaximal, technical, but tough sets.

Between sets, complete 5 x 8-12 barbell curls.

Use the first two sets as warm-ups, building to a moderately challenging weight, then repeat that weight for the last three sets. Focus on range of motion, control, and tension - strict technique = more pump and more jacked!

4 Rounds For Time:
500m/425m Row
10 Power Cleans, 135#/95#

TIMECAP: 13:00

Thursday 5/6

Kettlebell Front Squat/Pendlay Row

5 Sets:
8-10 Double Kettlebell Front Squats
1:00 Rest
8-10 Pendlay Rows
1:00 Rest

EMOM 20, alternating:
a) 5 Thrusters (115#/75#) + 5 Bar Facing Burpees + Echo Bike (Calories) for the remainder of the minute
b) Rest (optionally, you can ride the bike at an EASY pace, just enough to keep blood from pooling in your legs)