Matathon WOD
Row/Thruster/Chest-to-Bar Pullup/Deadlift
@ 0:00:
400m Row
10 Tap Swings on Pullup Bar
10 Air Squats
10 Pushups
10 Kettlebell Swings
400m Row
--This on the clock, but it's a warm-up for the upcoming four rounds.
@ 10:00:
4 Rounds, Each For Time:
500m/400m Row
10 Dumbbell Thrusters, 50#/35#
12/9 Chest-to-Bar Pullups
15 Deadlifts, 185#/125#
--Rest 3:00 Between Rounds--
TIMECAP: 45:00
Thursday 4/15
Wednesday 4/14
Strength / Skill
Hang Snatch
Build to max double, then 90-95%x2x2
If you are new to Felix, keep it light and stay focused on your form. Nothing crazy today, stay safe...
Every 2:00 x 10, alternating:
a) 10 Kettlebell Swings (32kg/24kg) + Row or Echo Bike remainder of 2:00
b) 10 Weighted Sit-Ups + Row or Echo Bike remainder of 2:00
Tuesday 4/13
Monday 4/12
Skill Work
Kipping Technique
Spend 20:00 practicing kipping technique.
If you are new to Felix, this is a wonderful opportunity to work on your kip.
For Time:
40 Double Unders / 40 Mountain climbers on each side
30/20 Calories Echo Bike
20 Burpees
40 Double Unders / 40 Mountain climbers on each side
Rest 5:00, then repeat x 1.
TIMECAP: 20:00 (including rest)
If you are an advanced athlete, consider resting for 2 minutes and trying to complete 3 rounds within the same 20 minutes.