Programming 3/17 - 3/21

Back Squat

3x5 at 70%
2x4 at 80%
1x3 at 85%-90%

WOD – 4 rounds for time, 18 min cap
100 Double Unders or 10/7 Calories on Echo Bike
20 Push Press*
15 Lateral Burpees Over Barbell

*Decrease Push Press weight after each round

L3: 135/95lb, 115/75lb, 95/65lb, 75/55lb
L2: 115/75lb, 95/65lb, 75/55lb, and 55/45lb (RX)
L1: 95/65lb, 75/55lb, 55/45lb, 45/35lb

Score = Time

Partner WOD – 36 min AMRAP

Partner A:
400m Run

Partner B:
5 Cleans
10 Box Jumps
15 Sit Ups

Cash Out: 200 Partner Blank Bar Bicep Curls (don’t set the bar down)

L3: 135/95lb
L2: 115/75lb (RX)
L1: 95/65lb

Score = Total Number of Sit Ups

5x5 at 80%

WOD – 18 min ascending ladder

3/6/9/12* of:
Calorie Row
Toes To Bar

30 second rest after each round

*Once you complete the round of 12, start back at round 3, try to go unbroken for as long as you can

L3: Strict Handstand Push-Ups
L2: As prescribed (RX)
L1: Straight Legged / Hanging Knee Raises

Score = Total Reps

Back Rack Lunges
Complete a 5x12, self-directed loading today
WOD – for time, 18 min cap
“Karen’s Got a Shiny New Bike”

150 Wall Balls

Every time you drop the ball or stop moving complete 10/7 Calorie on Echo Bike

L3: 25/20lb
L2: 20/14lb (RX)
L1: 14/10lb

Score = Time

Bench Press

5x5 at 75%-80% of your 1RM

Then complete one set of max reps with a blank bar

WOD – 17 min AMRAP
10 Kipping Pull-Ups
7 Skeleton Rows
200m Med Ball Run

Score = Total Reps Completed (Run = 10 reps)