Front Squat + Back Squat + Box Jump
Complete 5-6 sets of:
4 Front Squats + 5 Back Squats + 10 Box Jumps
Athlete Notes:
-Aim for 75%-80% of your 1RM Front Squat
-The transition to each movement (Front Squat to Back Squat and then Back Squat to Box Jump) should be quick, no more than 4 seconds
WOD - 4 rounds, 18 min
3 minute AMRAP:
4 Ring Dips
5 Renegade Rows
6 Dual Dumbbell Lunges
Rest 1:30 minutes between rounds
L3: 50/35lb
L2: 40/25lb (RX)
L1: 30/20lb
Score = Total Reps
Bike Sprints + Hollow Rock
16 min EMOM
Min A: 20 second Bike Sprint, 25 second recovery pace, 15 seconds to switch
Min B: 45 second Hollow Rock, 15 seconds to switch
Use the first round as your gauge. From there, rachet up or down as needed and try to maintain that pace.
WOD – 7 rounds for time, 18 min cap
250/200m Row
7 Pull-Ups
14 Dumbbell Snatch / 7 Barbell Snatch
L3: 70/50lb or 115/75lb BB
L2: 50/35lb DB or 95/65lb BB (RX)
L1: 35/25lb DB or 75/55lb BB
Score = Time
Bench Press
Complete a 6x4 at 80% of your 1RM, resting for at least 2:00 minute between sets.
WOD – 7 rounds of 1:30 minutes on / 1:00 minute off
5 Hang Power Cleans
4 Push Press
3 Thrusters
Max Burpee over bar in remaining time
Increase weight every other round.
L3: 115/75lb starting weight
L2: 95/65lb starting weight (RX)
L1: 75/55lb starting weight
Score = Max weight moved on last round
Complete a 5x3 at 80% - 85% of your 1RM, taking ample rest in between sets.
WOD - 5 rounds, 25 min
Every 5:00 minutes, compete the following:
200m Run
14 Kettlebell Swings
12 Sit-Ups
10 Kettlebell Box Step-Ups
200m Run*
*If there are 2:00+ minutes remaining as you head into your second 200m run, grab a Medball.
Athlete Notes:
If you are planning to do the Open workout tomorrow and want to ensure that you are fresh, move slowly through today’s workout and go a but lighter than normal.
L3: 70/53lb
L2: 53/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/26lb
Score = Slowest round
OPEN Workout 25.1