Programming 6/10 - 6/14

WOD – 40 min

Part A – 0:00-20:00
80/50 Calories on Echo Bike
1 Mile Run
100 Jump Lunges
*You can break this up any way you like

Part B – 20:00-30:00
Box Step Ups

3:00 minute Dual Dumbbell
3:00 minute Single Dumbbell
3:00 minute Body Weight
1:00 minute rest

Part C – 30:00-40:00
40/25 Calories on Echo Bike
1/2 Mile Run
50 Jump Lunges
*You can break this up any way you like

L3: 50/35lb and go straight through
L2: 35/25lb (RX)
L1: 25/15lb

Athlete Notes:
-Today is just about moving at a steady pace for the entire duration.
-For Part A & C, you can break this work up any way you would like. But given the timeframes, it will be difficult to complete if your transitions are not efficient.

Score = Total Step-Ups in part B

Farmers Carry

8 rounds of 40 seconds on / 20 seconds off

WOD – 4 rounds, 20 min
4 minutes to complete:
10 Power Snatches
20 Wall Balls
1:00 minute Plank
Max Abmat Sit-Ups in remaining time

1:00 rest between rounds

L3: 135/95lb BB and 25/20lb WB
L2: 95/65lb BB and 20/14lb WB (RX)
L1: 75/55lb BB and 14/10lb WB

Athlete Notes:
-The primary goal for this workout is to complete as many Abmat Sit-Ups as possible. This means moving quickly through the prior work to give yourself ample time. You ideally want at least 1:00 minute of Sit-Ups.
-On the Snatch loading, it should be a weight that you can complete in 2 or 3 sets.
-Keep your pace up during the 4:00 minutes of work as you will have a minute rest at the end of it.

Score = Total Sit-Up Reps


Every 1:30 minutes, complete a set:

1 x 6 @70%
1 x 5 @75%
2 x 4 @80%
2 x 3 @85%
WOD – 15 min ascending ladder
Row (100m, 200m, 300m…)
Bench Press (6, 8, 10…)
10/6 Push-Ups

L3: 135/95lb
L2: 115/75lb (RX)
L1: 95/65lb

Athlete Notes:
-Today will be a bit of shoulder burner. In terms of how to tackle the work, go strong on the Row, and use the Bench Press as your recovery.
-You should pick a loading that allows you to do most of your Bench Press work in 1-2 sets.

Score = Total Push-Up Reps

Double Unders

Option 1: Complete Flight Simulator (5-10-15…50…15-10-5)
Option 2: Spend time practicing this skill

WOD – 7 rounds for time, 16 min cap
5 Power Cleans
7 Front Squats
10 Box Jump Overs

L3: 185/125lb and 15 Box Jump Overs
L2: 155/105lb (RX)
L1: 135/95lb

Athlete Notes:
-The primary focus for today is to complete this workout under the time cap. To do so you need to be completing a round every 2:00ish minutes.
-The loading of the barbell should be on the moderate side and one you will eventually have to move for single reps. (If you will be dropping, grab pads.) However, if you're able to do touch and go reps just be mindful it doesn't blow you up.
-If you finished this in under 13:00 minutes, you did not scale correctly. :)

Score = Time

Strict Press

2 x 5 @70%
2 x 4 @75%
2 x 3 @80%
2 x 2 @85%

WOD – 16 min AMRAP
4 Pull-Ups (+2 each round)
6 Skeleton Rows
10 Kettlebell Swings

L3: 62/44lb KB and 70/50lb DB
L2: 53/35lb KB and 50/35lb DB (RX)
L1: 35/26lb KB and 35/25lb DB

Athlete Notes:
-This is a heavy pulling workout. Scale your Pull-Ups as needed – you can reduce volume, do Band Assisted, or switch to Ring Rows.
-On the Skeleton Rows, keep a wide stance with your feet, ensuring your hips remain stationary and square to the ground.

Score = Rounds + Reps