15 min EMOM
Minute 1: 10 Barbell Back Rack Reverse Lunges at 65%-70% of your 1RM Power Clean
Minute 2: Hollow Rock Hold for as long as possible
Minute 3: Rest
WOD – 18 min AMRAP
Buy-In: 2000m/1700m Row
Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (5-10-15-20…)
15 Box Jump Overs
L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb
Athlete Notes:
-The focus of this workout today is to ideally get into the round of 25 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches.
-Select a load that allows you to complete (at a minimum) through the round of 15 reps unbroken.
-It will be important to stay consistent on the Burpee Box Jump Overs in order to make it further up the ladder.
-The Row Buy-In should take you about 8:00 minutes to complete.
Score = Total Dumbbell Snatch and Burpee Box Jump Over Reps
Bench Press
20 minutes to establish a 5RM Bench Press. If you complete this early, drop down to 80% and complete sets of 3 in the remaining time.
Athlete Notes:
-Simple instructions today, build to a 5RM for the day. If you’re feeling great, push for that new PR, if it isn’t your day, just aim to go as heavy as you can.
-When building up to a 5RM, you don't want to be doing sets of 5 for all of your build up sets. Stick to 5 reps until about 60%, 3 reps until about 75%, and then 2 reps until you’re ready to make your 5RM attempt.
8 minute EMOM, Alternating each minute:
Minute 1: 8/5 Calorie Echo Bike
Minute 2: 40 Seconds of Max Toes To Bar
Rest 1:00 minute
8 minute EMOM, Alternating each minute:
Minute 1: 8/5 Calorie Echo Bike
Minute 2: 40 Seconds of Max Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 1:00 minute
8 minute EMOM, Alternating each minute:
Minute 1: 8/5 Calorie Echo Bike
Minute 2: Your Choice (40 Seconds of Max Toes To Bar or Kipping Handstand Push-Ups)
No Levels Today
Athlete Notes:
-The focus for this workout today is on the Gymnastic movements. Your skill level will determine how many reps you accumulate. However, this isn’t about pushing yourself to failure, it is about developing your capacity under fatigue. If you’re proficient with these movements, do small sets of reps with short/planned breaks in-between. If you’re working on developing these skills, this is a great workout to practice a more challenging scaling option as you’ll still get a short break before the next minute.
-In terms of scaling, you can adjust to Wall Walks and/or Straight-Legged/Knee Raises as needed.
-On the Bike work, aim to complete this within 45-50 seconds maximum.
Score = Total Toes To Bar and Kipping Handstand Push-Up Reps
Hang Power Clean
15 minutes to work on cycling sets of 3 Hang Power Cleans. Start at 50% and increase weight as desired.
WOD – descending ladder, 14 min time cap
10-8-6-4-2 of:
Back Squats @ 70% of your 1-rep max
Shuttle Runs
Dumbbell Strict Press
L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb
Athlete Notes:
-Today’s volume is on the lower side but the loading and time under tension is more significant.
-The goal is to try and complete each set of reps unbroken at the prescribed load.
-One Shuttle Run is considered down and back. Use this as your recovery before going back into the strength work.
Score = Time
WOD – for time, 35 min cap
In teams of 3, complete 1776 reps. Everyone works together on the same movement. The team cannot complete more than 200 reps of any movement and no less than 20 reps of any movement.
Kettlebell Swings
Skeleton Rows
Jump Lunges
Calories on Rower
Dumbbell Push Press
Alternating V-Ups
Ring Rows (not Pull-Ups)
Wall Balls
200m Medball Run (each run counts as 30 reps)
Double Unders
10 minutes to accumulate max Double Unders but these must be done in sets of 30. The goal today is to regulate your rest and recovery between sets.
If you are not proficient in Double Unders, use this time to practice.
Reminder: Bring your own rope. If you don’t have one, you can purchase one online or at Felix or you can modify the movement.
WOD - 14 minute ascending ladder (3-6-9-12…)
Burpee Pull-Ups
Single Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
L3: 225/155lb and 70/50lb
L2: 185/125lb and 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 135/95lb and 35/25lb
Athlete Notes:
-You will continue adding 3 reps to each movement until the 10 minutes expires. The goal is to get into the double-digit reps today. Exceeding the set of 14 reps is a great goal.
-Keep in mind that this workout is going to be tough on your leg endurance, particularly going from the Deadlifts to the Box Step-Ups.
-Remember to be smooth and consistent during your Burpee Pull-Ups, as much as they are challenging, honing in on that consistent pace will help dramatically with your overall score.
Score = Total Reps
Accessory Work – 3 rounds for quality
20 Second Hanging L-Sit Hold
8 Dumbbell Alternating Hammer Curls (on each side)
20 Plate Russian Twists
8 Prone Y-T-W