Bench Press
2x8 at 70%-75%
2x6 at 75%-80%
2x4 at 80%-85%
2x2 at 85%-90%
WOD – 5 rounds, 25 min
Every 5:00 minutes, complete the following:
6 Front Squats
12 Toes To Bar
20/14 Calories on Echo Bike
L3: 80% of 1RM Clean
L2: 75% of 1RM Clean (RX)
L1: 70% of 1RM Clean
Athlete Notes:
-Ideally you should be looking to achieve 45-60 seconds of rest on each round.
-Your Front Squats should be completed unbroken and your Toes To Bar should be completed in 3 sets maximum.
-The Bike work should take about 2 minutes to complete. If you are finishing too quickly, consider increasing the Calories.
Score = Slowest Set
Rope Climb
10 minutes
If you don’t have a Rope Climb, use this time to learn and practice.
If you are becoming proficient, complete a Rope Climb every 90 seconds.
If you are experienced, work on completing your Rope Climbs with as few pulls as possible.
WOD – 7 rounds for time, 20 min cap
7 Handstand Push-Ups
7 Deadlifts
7 Power Cleans
7 Shoulder to Overhead
Rest 1:00 minute between sets
L3: 115/75lb + Strict HSPUs
L2: 95/65lb (RX)
L1: 75/55lb
Athlete Notes:
-This workout takes inspiration from one that was programmed on CrossFit.Com.
-The goal is to complete this workout under the time cap, however, closer to 18 minutes is the desired target time.
-When looking at this workout, the only movement where there should be scheduled breaks is the Power Cleans. On all of the other movements the goal should be to complete each set of 7 reps unbroken and your rest time is in the transition between.
-On the Handstand Push-Ups, work in strict where you can. It doesn’t need to be the full 7 reps each round, but try to complete 1 or 2 strict reps and then move into your kipping HSPUs. Keep in mind you will always be starting them somewhat fresh, so this is a good chance for you to challenge yourself as you’re hitting them first of each and every round.
Score = Time
Wall Ball “Death By”
9 min Death By:
Minute 1: 3 Wall Balls
Minute 2: 6 Wall Balls
Minute 3: 9 Wall Balls
Minute 4: 12 Wall Balls
Minute 5: 15 Wall Balls
Minute 6: 18 Wall Balls
Minute 7: 21 Wall Balls
Minute 8: 24 Wall Balls
Minute 9: 27 Wall Balls
Athlete Notes:
-Today, we have a little Wall Ball test. Wall Balls are a great movement for not only leg and shoulder endurance, but also building lung capacity.
-In this “Death By”, you will continue to add 3 reps each minute until you cannot complete the work within the set minute. Try your best to push yourself to failure on this one. When you can no longer complete the reps, rest 1:00 minute and then decrease reps by 6 and finish out the EMOM.
-Select a Wall Ball load you know you can cycle for large unbroken sets. And if needed, scale down your starting reps to 1 or 2. (For example, if selecting 2 reps, your EMOM will be 2-5-8-11-14…)
WOD – 18 min
Part A – 3 rounds (2:00 minutes on / 1:00 minute off)
18/14 Calorie Row
Max Burpee Box Jump Overs in remaining time
Part B – 3 rounds (2:00 minutes on / 1:00 minute off)
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Max Calorie Row in remaining time
No levels today
Athlete Notes:
-Great little interval piece for you today, focusing on intensity and moving quickly.
-The goal of this workout is to get upwards of 8-10 Burpee Box Jump Overs each interval (Part A) and upwards of 15/11 Calories each interval (Part B). Try to sustain high output rounds.
-Overall, it is only 6 minutes of work on each part, so be sure to earn your rest and challenge yourself with intensity.
Score A = Total Burpee Box Jump Over Reps (from Part A)
Score B = Total Calories on Rower (from Part B)
WOD – 5 rounds for time, 42 min cap
200m Med Ball Run
200m Run
15 Thrusters
15 Back Squats
15 American Kettlebell Swings
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings
30 Plank Jacks
30 Mountain Climbers
15 V-Up
15 Sit-Ups
15 Single Dumbbell Overhead Lunges
15 Jumping Lunges
L3: 75/55lb BB, 62/44lb KB, and 50/35lb DB
L2: 55/45lb BB, 53/35lb KB, and 35/25lb DB (RX)
L1: 45/35lb BB, 35/26lb KB, and 25/15lb DB
Athlete Notes:
-Finishing this work in under 42 minutes is doable but challenging. The key is to keep moving throughout the entire duration. Your heart rate will be elevated but not to a point where you should have to stop for extended breaks.
-The first movement of each group is intended to be the more difficult movement, followed by the easier movement.
-The Mountain Climbers are 30 reps in total (not each side), same for the Jump Lunges, 15 reps in total (not on each side).
Score = Time
Complete an 8x3 starting at 65% and increasing weight every two sets. The goal is to finish around 85% of your 1RM.
WOD – 16 min AMRAP
40 Double Unders / 60 Single Unders
6 Power Snatches
Pull-Ups (2-4-6…)
L3: 115/75lb
L2: 95/65lb (RX)
L1: 75/55lb
Athlete Notes:
-Today is about moving quickly and efficiently. The goal is to ideally accumulate about 6 rounds.
-On the Power Snatch, select a weight that allows you to complete each round unbroken. And remember not to get lazy on the descent down, come back to the ground with a solid set-up position.
Score = Total Rounds + Reps