Programming 12/30 - 1/3

Toes To Bar

10 min “Death By”

Athlete Notes:
-Pick a starting number of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 and increase by 1 rep each minute.
-If you fail, rest 1 minute and then decrease reps by 2 to finish out the EMOM.
-If you don’t have Toes To Bar, you can modify to Straight-Legged Raise or Hanging Knee Raise but you’ll likely want to select a higher starting number.

WOD – 5 rounds, 20 min

Every 4:00 minutes, complete:
300m Run
20 Wall Balls
10 Shoulder To Overhead (60%-65% of your 1RM)

L3: 25/20lb
L2: 20/14lb (RX)
L1: 14/10lb

Score = Slowest Round

Bench Press

Complete a 5x10 at 65%-70% of your 1RM

WOD – 4 rounds for time, 18 min cap
16 Dumbbell Hang Cleans
80 Double Unders
16 Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups
16/11 Calorie Echo Bike

L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb

Score = Time


5x3 at 70%
4x2 at 75%
3x1 at 80%

WOD – for time, 15 min cap
Buy In: 30 Ring Dips

5 Rounds:
10 Back Rack Lunges
10 Hang Power Snatches

Cash Out: 30 Ring Dips

L3: 115/75lb
L2: 95/65lb (RX)
L1: 75/55lb

Score = Time

Front Squats

1x5 at 70%
1x4 at 75%
2x3 at 80%
2x2 at 85%
3x1 at 90%

WOD – 7 rounds, 21 min

2 min on / 1 min off of:
5 Pull-Ups
7 Russian Kettlebell Swings
9 Squat Jump

L3: 80/62lb
L2: 70/53lb (RX)
L1: 53/35lb

Athlete Notes:
-Pick up where you left off each time.
-The Squat Jumps will be challenging after today’s strength work.

Score = Total Reps

WOD – 30 min AMRAP

0:00 – 10:00
Handstand Push-Ups (2-4-6…)
14/10 Calorie Row

10:00 – 20:00
Renegade Rows (2-4-6…)
7/5 Calorie Echo Bike

20:00 – 30:00
Sit Ups (5-10-15…)
14/10 Calorie Row OR 7/5 Calorie Echo Bike

Cash out: 1 Mile Run

L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb

Score = Total Reps of HSPU + Renegade Rows + Sit Ups