Power Clean
Spend 7:00 minutes working up to a heavy single (or a new 1RM if you’d like). Then drop down to 80% and complete a 3x3.
WOD – for time, 22 min cap
1000m Run
50 Goblet Squats
50 Russian Kettlebell Swings
200 Double Unders / Single Unders
50 Russian Kettlebell Swings
50 Goblet Squats
1000m Run
L3: 70/53lb
L2: 53/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/26lb
Score = Time
Strict Pull-Ups
10 min EMOM
Pick a rep count that you can be consistent with. If you don’t have Strict Pull-Ups, you can either do Band-Assisted Strict Pull-Ups or work on your Kipping Pull-Ups.
WOD – 5 rounds, 20 min
Every 4:00 complete:
Dumbbell Facing Burpees (10-12-14-16-18)
Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (10-12-14-16-18)
Dumbbell Facing Burpees (10-12-14-16-18)
Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (10-12-14-16-18)
Athlete Notes:
-You will add 2 reps on each round. For example, round 2 becomes 12 reps, round 3 becomes 14 reps, etc. If you reach failure, meaning you can’t complete the movements for that round, rachet reps down to 6 or 8 and continue on.
-You should be able to complete the first round by the 3:00 minute mark.
L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb
Score = Successfully Completed Rounds + Reps
Tempo Bench Press
Complete 4 sets of 5 Bench Press at 60% using a tempo of 1302. After each set, complete 10 Dual Kettlebell Gorilla Rows at a moderate weight.
WOD – 13 minutes
3:00 minutes to complete:
30 Box Jumps
Max Cal Echo Bike
Rest 2:00 minutes
3:00 minutes to complete:
100m Dumbbell Farmers Carry
Max Cal Echo Bike
Rest 2:00 minutes
3:00 minutes to complete:
30 Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups
Max Cal Echo Bike
L3: 50/35lb
L2: 35/25lb (RX)
L1: 25/15lb
Score = Total Calories on Echo Bike
Accessory Work – 4 sets
10 Side Plank with Hip Tap (Left Side)
10 Side Plank with Hip Tap (Right Side)
30 Second Hanging L-Sit Hold
WOD – for time, 38 min cap
500m Row
5 Barbell Complex
400m Row
4 Barbell Complex
300m Row
3 Barbell Complex
200m Row
2 Barbell Complex
100m Row
1 Barbell Comple
*1 Barbell Complex consists of:
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Push Presses
5 Back Squats
L2: 95/65lb (RX)
L1: 75/55lb
Dealer’s Choice
WOD – for time, 21 min cap
1000m/800m on C2 Bike
20 Jumping Lunges
14 Pull-Ups
14 Sit Ups
1000m/800m on C2 Bike
20 Jumping Lunges
12 Toes To Bar
12 Sit-Ups
1000m/800m on C2 Bike
20 Jumping Lunges
10 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups
10 Sit-Ups
1000m/800m on C2 Bike
20 Jumping Lunges
8 Muscle-Ups
8 Sit-Ups
No Levels Today
Score = Time