Programming 11/11 - 11/15

WOD – for time, 50 min cap
1000 Box Step-Ups

No levels today

Athlete Notes:
-Today is the Hero WOD called “Chad”, which is a staple in the CrossFit community, particularly on Veteran’s Day.
-This is intended to be done with a 45/35lb weight vest, however, please scale as needed. Doing this workout without any weight will still be incredibly challenging.
-If you would like to choose something less intense, see the alternate option below.

Score = Time

Alternate Option
Your choice

WOD – for time, 24 min cap
800m Run
100 Box Step-Ups
100 Alternating V-Ups
100 Air Squats
800m Run

Strict Press

2x7 at 70%
2x5 at 75%
2x3 at 80%

WOD – for time, 20 min cap
15-12-9 of:
Burpee Box Jump Overs

Rest 2:00 minutes

15-12-9 of:
Burpees on Plate
Toes To Bar

Rest 2:00 minutes

15-12-9 of:
Burpee Bar Touches
Strict Pull-Ups

L3: Scale the gymnastics movements up as needed (Chest To Bar, Weighted Strict Pull-Ups, Muscle-Ups)
L2: As Written (RX)
L1: Scale the gymnastics movements down as needed

Athlete Note:
-If Burpee Box Jump Overs are too much after yesterday’s Chad WOD, pick a different Burpee variation for this section.

Score = Time

Partner Bike Sprints

12 minutes
8/5 Calories on Echo Bike, alternating back and forth (YGIG-style)

WOD – for time, 20 min cap
Snatch (10-9-8…1)
10 Dual Dumbbell Lunge
Dual Dumbbell Power Clean (10-9-8…1)
10 Dual Dumbbell Lunge

L3: 115/75lb BB and 70/50lb DB
L2: 95/65lb BB and 50/35lb DB (RX)
L1: 75/55lb BB and 35/25lb DB

Athlete Notes:
-Feel free to use a Dumbbell for the Snatch work today if you would like, but go heavier than normal.

Score = Time


1x7 at 70%
1x6 at 75%
2x5 at 80%
2x4 at 85%

WOD – for time, 19 min cap
10 Wall Walks
10 Wall Balls
200m Run
8 Wall Walks
20 Wall Balls
300m Run
6 Wall Walks
30 Wall Balls
400m Run
4 Wall Walks
40 Wall Balls

L3: 25/20lb
L2: 20/14lb (RX)
L1: 14/10lb

Score = Time

Farmers Carry & Wall Sits

Complete 5 rounds of:
2 Farmers Carry followed by a 1 minute Wall Sit. Self-directed loading today, but try to go up in weight at least twice.

WOD – 16 min AMRAP
400/300m Row
10 Ring Dips
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings
20 Sit-Ups

Add 100m to your Row each round

L3: 80/62lb
L2: 70/53lb (RX)
L1: 53/35lb

Score = Rounds + Reps (1m = 1 rep)