Programming 10/21 - 10/25


7 minute EMOM
3 Power Snatches at 65%-70% of your 1RM

WOD – 10 rounds for time, 20 min cap
4 Front Squats
12 Box Jumps

Rest 30 seconds between rounds

L3: Above 75% of your 1RM
L2: 70%-75% of your 1RM
L1: Below 70% of your 1RM

Athlete Notes:
-The Front Squats should feel hard and slow but challenge your speed on the Box Jumps.
-There is plenty of time in this WOD so don’t be afraid to challenge yourself on the load.

Score = Time

Kipping Pull-Ups / Chest To Bar / Muscle Ups

15 rounds
Every 40 seconds, complete a set (pick a rep count that you think you can maintain for all 15 rounds)

WOD – 24 minute EMOM
Minute 1: 10/7 Calorie Echo Bike
Minute 2: 15 Russian Kettlebell Swings
Minute 3: 15/12 Calorie Row
Minute 4: 15 Push Jerks

L3: 80/62lb and 135/95lb
L2: 70/53lb and 115/75lb (RX)
L1: 53/35lb and 95/65lb

Score = Slowest Row

Rope Climb & Ring Dips

15 minutes
Alternate back-and-forth between the movements at your own

WOD – 4 rounds for time, 18 min cap
400m Run
10 Hang Power Cleans
20 Dual Dumbbell Lunges

L3 155/105lb and 50/35lb
L2: 135/95lb and 35/25lb (RX)
L1: 95/65lb and 25/15lb

Score = Time

WOD – 5 rounds for time, 45 min cap
20 Handstand Push-Ups / 5 Wall Walks
20 Deadlifts
40 Sit-Ups
40 Double-Unders / 80 Single Unders

Rest 2:00 minutes between rounds

L3: 135/95lb
L2: 115/75lb (RX)
L1: 95/65lb

Score = Time

Bench Press

5x5 Pause Bench Press at 70%

WOD – 10 min AMRAP
10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
8 Toes To Bar
6 Alternating Pistols

Cash Out: 3 rounds (1:00 min on / 1:00 min off) Max Burpees

L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb

Score A = Total Rounds + Reps
Score B = Total Buprees