Double Unders
If you are proficient, complete 400 DUs for time (10 min cap). If you are still working on this skill, use this time to practice.
WOD – for time, 30 min cap
100 Thrusters
EMOM (starting at 0:00): 5 Burpees
L3: 135/95lb (RX)
L2: 95/65lb
L1: 75/55lb
Athlete Notes:
-Today we have one of the toughest CrossFit Hero WOD’s called “Kalsu”. This will be just as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one.
-It is not the day to go heavy, especially if this is your first time doing “Kalsu”. Choose a weight that will allow you to complete this somewhere in the 20-30 minute timeframe. The prescribed weight is 135/95lb, which we listed as Level 3 today, instead of the typical Level 2.
-Here are a few tips as you think about how you’ll approach the work: (1) before you start, pick the number of Thruster reps you want to do each minute, (2) try to put the barbell down 5-10 seconds before the start of the next minute, and (3) don’t go out of the gate too fast, you will burn yourself out very quickly.
-Remember to bring your jump rope for Double Unders skill work.
Score = Time
WOD – for time, 35 min cap
42-30-18 of Russian Kettlebell Swings
200m Run after each set
42-30-18 of Sit Ups
200m Run after each set
42-30-18 of Suitcase Lunges
200m Run after each set
21-15-9 of Pull-Ups
200m Run after each set
L3: 80/62lb KB and 70/55lb DB
L2: 70/53lb KB and 50/35lb DB (RX)
L1: 53/35lb KB and 35/25lb DB
Athlete Notes:
-There is a sneaky amount of Running today. The goal is to maintain a similar pace throughout the workout, especially in the back half of the WOD.
-With the exception of the Pull-Ups, you should try to complete the remaining movements unbroken. While 42 reps is a lot, this is doable with these movements.
-For the Pull-Ups, scale these as needed so you are completing the set of 21 in 3-4 sets maximum. Today, you can choose to reduce the reps slightly, or scale to Band Assisted Pull-Ups or Ring Rows.
-The Suitcase Lunges use one dumbbell, so be sure to alternate sides halfway through.
Score = Time
Bench Press
1 x 9 reps @70%
1 x 7 reps @75%
1 x 5 reps @80%
2 x 3 reps @85%
3 x 1 rep @90%
WOD – descending ladder for time, 12 min cap
27-21-15-9 of:
Calorie Row
Hang Power Snatches
L3: 115/75
L2: 95/65lb (RX)
L1: 65/45lb
Athlete Notes:
-It’s a short and sharp workout today. The primary goal is intensity and pushing yourself to complete this workout in under the time cap.
-When thinking about the weight, adjust the load of the barbell and cycle it for big sets. Ideally it is a weight you could complete the desired reps within 3 sets maximum.
-For the Row, women can complete 21-15-9-6 calories.
Score = Time
Bulgarian Split Squat
Complete 8x6 on each leg. You can choose to use a Kettlebell or Dumbbell today.
Partner WOD – for time, 28 min cap
150/100 Calories on Echo Bike
100 Deadlifts
50 Wall Walks
L3: 255/175lb
L2: 225/155lb (RX)
L1: 185/125lb
Athlete Notes:
-Today is a YGIG-style partner WOD. One partner will work, while the other partner rests, and then you switch.
-Feel free to break this work up however you would like but for an extra challenge, try going straight through.
-In terms of how to tackle this high-rep workout, we would recommend switching off frequently, so you are tackling a smaller number of reps/calories in each spurt but at a high intensity.
-If you are a mixed pair team, you will be completing 125 Calories on the Echo Bike.
Score = Time
Strict Press
Complete a 6x5 increasing weight every two sets. No percentages are provided today, use this as an opportunity to focus on how you feel with each lift and adjust accordingly.
WOD – 3 rounds, 15 min cap
1 minute AMRAP
10 Power Cleans
Max Box Jump Overs in remaining time
Rest 1:00 minute
1 minute AMRAP
10 Dual Dumbbell Box Step Overs
Max Box Jump Overs in remaining time
Rest 2:00 minutes
L3: 135/95lb BB and 50/35lb DB
L2: 95/65lb BB and 35/25lb DB (RX)
L1: 75/55lb BB and 25/15lb DB
Athlete Notes:
-Focus on intensity through the first two movements and then moving with smooth speed on the Jump Overs. Both movements, Power Cleans and Step Overs, will take up most of the minute so you’ll need to get straight to work once you hit the Jump Overs.
-If the 10 reps of Power Cleans/Step Overs are taking too long, consider reducing the reps down to 7.
Score = Box Jump Overs