Programming 7/31 - 8/4

Front Squat

Complete 6 sets of 2 pause reps + 3 regular reps @ 70% of your 1RM. On your pause reps, hold in the bottom position for a full 3 seconds.

WOD – 3 rounds for time, 18 min cap
45/35 Calorie Row
30 Toes to Bar
15 Dual Dumbbell Strict Press

L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb and Straight Legged/Hanging Knee Raises

Athlete Notes:
-The overall focus here is to complete this workout under the time cap so scale accordingly.
-You should expect to spend 1:30-2:00 on the Toes To Bar work. If you are scaling down, you may need to increase your reps to achieve this.

Score = Time


Complete a 5 x 6 resting 2:00 minutes between sets.
Set 1 = 70%
Set 2 = 75%
Set 3-5 = 80%

WOD - Every 3:00 minutes, complete the following:
Station 1: 400m Run
Station 2: Max Push-Ups
Station 3: 400m Run
Station 4: Max Strict Ring Dips
Station 5: 400m Run
Station 6: Max Strict Pull-Ups
Station 7: 400m Run

L3: Weighted Ring Dips
L2: As Prescribed (RX)
L1: Knee Push-Ups and/or Band-Assisted Ring Dips/Strict Pull-Ups

Athlete Notes:
-This workout today takes inspiration from the Shuttle to Overhead event from the Games last year with the focus on building strength/stamina through your upper body and getting the opportunity to practice with a harder scaling option than normal.
-For the runs, try to run each 400m relatively hard. You may also consider writing down each run time and totaling it up at the end to see how long it took you to complete a mile.
-Strict Pull-Ups only today, so use a band if needed. We have Kipping Pull-Ups later this week.

Score = Total Gymnastic Reps Combined

Partner WOD – 35 min ascending ladder
Partner A completes the work while Partner B bikes, then switch. Each partner will complete a round of 10 reps, then 12 reps, then 14 reps, etc.

Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups (10, 12, 14, 16…)
Alternating V-Ups (10, 12, 14, 16…)

Cash out: 4 rounds of 20 Kettlebell Swings and 45 second Wall Sit

L3: 70/50lb DB and 70/53lb
L2: 50/35lb DB and 53/35lb KB (RX)
L1: 35/25DB and 35/26lb

Athlete Notes:
-Today is about putting in the work.
-As you increase in the ladder, you will spend a longer amount of time on the Bike. Don’t let your pace slip, try to maintain your pace throughout the entire workout.

Score = Total Box Step Up and Alternating V-Up reps


Complete 5 sets of the following:
2 Squat Snatches
1 Hang Squat Snatch
1 Overhead Squat

Athlete Notes:
-Start @70% of your 1 rep max Hang Squat Snatch and increase in weight each round.
-The focus is on the Hang Squat Snatch. Making sure you're patient in your pull and really using the legs and extending the hips.
-You can reset between the first 2 Squat Snatches.

WOD – 4 rounds of 4:00 minutes on / 1:30 minutes off
100 Double Unders / 150 Single Unders
20 Barbell Back Rack Reverse Lunges
Max Kipping Handstand Push-Ups in remaining time

L3: 115/75
L2: 95/65lb (RX)
L1: 65/45lb

Athlete Notes:
-The primary goal for today is to accumulate 60 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups within the 4 rounds. To do this, you need to be getting 15 reps each round. This is certainly achievable as long as you scale the movement correctly. You can either reduce the volume down to a number more achievable for your skill level or scale the movement to Box Pike reps, Dual Dumbbell Seated Strict Presses or even Hand Release Push-Ups.
-Ideally you should be aiming for 45-60 seconds of time on the wall to accumulate max reps. Make sure you select a weight on the Lunges which allows you to complete all 20 reps unbroken and fast.

Score = Total Kipping Handstand Push-Up reps

Farmers Carry

Complete 6 sets of Farmers Carry (down and back twice), increasing in weight every other set. Between each set, complete 1:00 minute plank.

WOD – for time, 16 min cap
75 Wall Balls
60 Pull-Ups
45 Power Cleans
30 Bar Facing Burpees

L3: 135/95lb and 25/20lb
L2: 115/75lb and 20/14lb (RX)
L1: 95/65lb and 14/10lb

Athlete Notes:
-Long chipper workout to end the week. The focus of this workout today is intensity and trying to achieve the best possible time you can.
-On the Power Cleans, make sure you select a weight that you can cycle for small sets of touch and go reps.

Score = Time