Programming 12/25 - 12/29


WOD – 35 minute EMOM
Minute 1: 10-16 Toes To Bar
Minute 2: 20-30 Jump Lunges
Minute 3: 16-20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
Minute 4: Max Distance Row
Minute 5: Rest

L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb

Athlete Notes:
-The primary focus for this workout today is skill development & volume work.
-On Minute 1-3, select scaling options and also a rep number that are sustainable but one you can achieve unbroken. If towards the later rounds you need to break the sets up, that's ok. This is also a great day to work at a lower volume but more challenging scaling options.

Score = Total Reps

Bulgarian Split Squat

Complete a 5x8 on each leg, increasing in weight twice.

WOD – 4 rounds for time, 16 min cap
10 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
25 Russian Kettlebell Swings
1000m C2 Bike

L3: 80/62lb and 15 HSPUs
L2: 70/53lb (RX)
L1: 53/35lb

Athlete Notes:
-The primary focus here is intensity during the HSPUs and KB Swings. Ideally, you want to be completing these movements unbroken.
-Secondly, to complete this workout under the time cap, you need to be pushing for a round every 4:00. This is doable, just make sure not to lose too much time on the Bike work.

Score = Time

Power Clean

Complete a 6x3 at 75%-80% with a focus on cycling the bar.

WOD – 6 rounds, 12 min

2:00 minutes to complete:
30 Double Unders / 50 Single Unders
6 Deadlifts
9 Bar Facing Burpees

L3: Set 1-3 = 275/185lb, Set 4-6 = 315/215lb
L2: Set 1-3 = 225/155lb, Set 4-6 = 275/185lb (RX)
L1: Set 1-3 = 155/105lb, Set 4-6 = 205/145lb

Athlete Notes:
-The primary objective is to complete each set under the 2:00 minute window.
-When looking at this workout today, keep in mind you need to move quickly.
-Be sure to select a load on the Barbell you know you can complete the 6 reps unbroken each set. It should be a moderate to heavy weight but one you can hold strong technique on. Ideally you should be looking at about 65% for the first 3 sets and 70% for the second 3 sets, based on your 1 rep max Deadlift.

Score = Time of Slowest Set

Dealer’s Choice

WOD – for time, 17 min cap
800m Run
40 Shoulder To Overhead
40 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups
800m Run

L3: 115/75lb
L2: 95/65lb (RX)
L1: 65/45lb

Athlete Notes:
-The primary focus today is to complete this workout under the time cap.
-Scale the loading of the barbell to ensure it is lighter weight and one you can complete the desired reps within 4 sets.
-On the Chest To Bar Pull-Ups, ideally you should be able to complete upwards of 5-7 reps every set.
-Don't put too much attention on your first run. Make sure you move at a pace that will set you up for success working through the two movements following and then be sure to really try to sell yourself on that final 800m Run.

Score = Time