Programming 11/20 - 11/24

Kipping Pull-Ups

Complete a max set of Kipping Pull-Ups, then rest 2:00 minutes. After that, complete 4 sets at 40% of your max set.

If you’re still working your Kipping Pull-Up, use this time to work on your technique.

WOD – for time, 16 min cap
25 Back Squats
Kettlebell Complex
45/36 Calorie Row
Kettlebell Complex
25 Back Squats

Kettlebell Complex:
5 rounds
7 Kettlebell Deadlift
7 Russian Kettlebell Swings
**Do not set the Kettlebell down until complex is complete**

L3: 185/125lb
L2: 165/115lb (RX)
L1: 135/95lb

Athlete Notes:
-Fun little chipper today! The primary objective for today is to complete this workout under the time cap.
-One thing to keep in mind with this workout today is that it certainly is a back end workout and one you need to pace carefully to be able to hold a strong pace coming off the rower.
-When looking at the movements, you should be able transition from one movement to the next comfortably.
-For the Squats, select a load that allows you to complete the 25 reps in more than 3 sets.

Score =Time

Weighted Lunges

Complete a 5x8 on each leg. Increase loading with each set.

Part A: 6 min ascending ladder (2-4-6-8-10…)
Burpee Box Get-Overs
Power Cleans

Rest 3:00 minutes

Part B: 6 min ascending ladder (2-4-6-8-10…)
Box Jump Overs
Dual Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans

L3: 165/115lb BB, 70/50lb DB, and 30/24 Box
L2: 135/95lb BB, 50/35lb DB, and 30/24 Box (RX)
L1: 95/65lb BB, 35/25lb DB, and 24/20 Box

Athlete Notes:
-Great little double WOD today blending Burpees Box work and Barbell conditioning, and then ending with an easier version of each movement.
-The objective is to get into the double digit numbers in Part A and even further in Part B. Focus on being smooth and moving constantly.
-On the Box Get-Overs, you're allowed to use your hands which will add some more intensity to it but will also allow some people to perhaps try a higher box. The value of Burpee Box Get-Overs is that it allows you to do the work in the most efficient way possible, no prescribed methodology. So use this opportunity to determine what works best for you, e.g. Box-facing Burpees, Lateral Burpees, Box Jumps, Box Step-Ups, etc.
-In regards to the barbell, the priority is to just keep the bar moving. It should be a weight you can do touch and go reps but you’ll like need some breaks as you increase in reps.

Score = Total Reps

Double Unders

8 minute EMOM
Pick a rep count that you can be consistent with throughout all rounds. If you are still working on this skill, use this time to practice.

WOD – 20 min AMRAP
15 Toes To Bar
10 Dumbbell Snatches
5 Overhead Squats

L3: 70/50lb DB and 115/75lb BB
L2: 50/35lb DB and 95/65lb BB (RX)
L1: 35/25lb DB and 75/55lb BB

Athlete Notes:
-The primary objective for this workout is to accumulate between 8-10 rounds.
-Keep in mind the limiter for this workout is certainly going to be the Toes To Bar. Be sure to scale the volume or movement itself accordingly to complete the desired reps within 2 sets maximum.
-On the Dumbbell Snatches, these are not alternating so you must complete 5 reps on the Left Arm and then 5 reps on the Right Arm to accumulate the 10 reps required. If you would like to do Barbell Snatch instead, then use the same Bar/Loading as your Overhead Squat.

Score = Rounds + Reps

Come in for your Thanksgiving Fitness Feast!

(And no, we’re not actually eating, we will definitely be WOD-ing.)


Complete a 5x5 at 80% with a 1:30-2:00 rest between sets.

WOD 1  – for time, 10 min cap
800m Row
60 Dual Kettlebell Shoulder To Overhead
10 Wall Walks

L3: 53/35lb
L2: 35/26lb (RX)
L1: 26/18lb

Athlete Notes:
-This workout is inspired by the 2019 CrossFit Games event called 'Second Cut.'
-Follow a similar standard to what they used for this event on the Kettlebell Push Press and make sure you bring the Horns of the Kettlebell down underneath your chin on each rep. This is intended to be a fast and furious workout.
-The challenge is managing the shoulder fatigue from the Shoulder to Overhead heading into the Wall Walks. Make sure you break the reps up into small manageable sets to ensure you leave some gas in your shoulders to tackle the Wall Walks.

Score = Time

Rest 3:00

WOD 2 – 8 rounds for time, 10 min cap
10 Wall Balls
100m Run

L3: 25/20lb
L2: 20/14lb (RX)
L1: 14/10lb

Athlete Notes:
-To finish this workout under the time cap, you need to complete a round every 1:15. However, you will have to start out a little faster at the beginning in order to bank up some time for the later rounds. It will be the last several rounds in which you need to stay the most focused.
-Your mindset should be just to keep moving. Force yourself to pick-up the ball right away once you come in from the Run. You should complete the 10 Wall Ball reps unbroken and consider the Run your “recovery”. You will likely be fatigued from the prior WOD but just remember these sets are low volume, so challenge yourself to push through without breaking.

Score = Time