Back Squat
2 x 5 @70%
1 x 4 @75%
2 x 3 @80%
Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.
WOD – 3 rounds for time, 15 minute cap
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
30 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches
50 Sit-Ups
L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 25/15lb
Athlete Notes:
-In order to complete this workout under the time cap, aim to finish your first round in less than 5 minutes. The Dumbbell Snatches and Sit-Ups will get challenging so anticipate spending more time there in rounds 2 and 3.
-For the Dumbbell Snatches, pick a weight that you can complete within 2 sets maximum.
Strict Pull-Ups
10 minutes to complete 40 Strict Pull-Ups
Athlete Notes:
-Focus on quality today.
-You can break this up any way you would like, but ideally you are aiming for 3-7 reps each set.
-There are many ways to scale this, but 10 minutes is a good portion of time so make sure you are really challenging yourself. If you are more advanced, increase the rep count or add weight. If you need to scale down, keep the 40 reps but do Band or Toe Assisted Strict Pull-Ups.
WOD – 12 minute AMRAP
200m Run
Push Presses (2, 4, 6, 8…)
2 Toes To Bar (2, 4, 6, 8…)
Continue adding 2 reps to both the Push Presses & Toes To Bar until the 12 minutes expires.
L3: 115/75lb
L2: 95/65lb (RX)
L1: 75/55lb
Athlete Notes:
-For this workout today, the goal is to get into the round of 16 reps.
-Make sure you hold a consistent pace on the run, especially in the early rounds as you will be doing that often. Once you get into the bigger numbers it will become more about the Push Presses & Toes To Bar.
-For Push Press, select a weight you're comfortable doing large sets unbroken with. Ideally you shouldn't have to break reps into more than 2 sets.
-On the Toes To Bar, consider breaking the early sets up, conserving some energy for those larger numbers.
WOD – 35 minute AMRAP
1000m/800m Row
15 Kettlebell Swings
10 Dual Kettlebell Deadlifts, directly into 100m Farmers Carry
5 Wall Walks
L3: 70/53lb
L2: 53/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/26lb
Athlete Notes:
-Today is a bit of a grinder.
-Aim to keep a moderate pace throughout the full 35 minutes in order to complete 3-5 rounds.
Curtis P’s
Complete a 6x4, increasing weight after each set. As a reminder, Curtis P’s are a barbell complex consisting of: one Power Clean, one Lunge on each leg, and one Shoulder to Overhead.
WOD – 10 rounds, 15 minutes
Every 90 Seconds, complete:
50 Double Unders
3 Bar Muscle-Ups (Band Assisted, if needed)
L3: 5 Bar Muscle-Ups
L2: As Written (RX)
L1: Scale to Chest To Bar, Kipping, or Band Assisted Kipping Pull-Ups
Athlete Notes:
-Today the emphasis is more on being a skill day. Giving you the opportunity to practice two tough skills in a lower intensity setting to help develop confidence and strength.
-Ideally the work should take about 60 seconds to complete to ensure you do get some rest before heading into the next round. Use this as your guide when determining if/how to scale. And try your best to select challenging scaling options.
-If you don’t have Double Unders, scale to 30 seconds of Double Under practice (strongly recommended) or adjust to 50 Single Unders.
Turkish Get-Ups
Part A: Review technique as a class.
Part B: 10 minute E2MOM, complete a Turkish Get-Up on each side. Choose a challenging weight.
Part C: Decrease weight and complete 10 alternating Turkish Get-Ups for time.
WOD - 3 Rounds
2:00 minute Max Push-Ups
0:30 Rest
2:00 minute Max Calorie Machine of Choice
0:30 Rest
2:00 minute Max Single Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
0:30 Rest
L3: 70/50lb and Ring Push-Ups
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb and Knee Push-Ups
Athlete Notes:
-Nice fun workout to finish out the week.
-The main movement to be cautious of here is your Push-Up. Make sure you break your sets up frequently and try to keep moving, rather than doing one large set and needing to rest the remaining time, complete small sets but try to keep pumping them out for the entire two minutes.
-On the machine and step-ups, the goal is to just keep moving, accumulating as many reps as possible.
-Be mindful, 30 seconds isn't a lot of time between stations so be sure to pace it appropriately.
-Consider challenging yourself and try to get more reps than the prior set.