Monday 3/14
Strength / Skill
Turkish Get-Ups
Spend 5 mins building to a challenging weight, then
Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds
Complete 2 TGUs on each side
WOD - 2 rounds for time (20 min cap)
1000m row
35 KB swings (53/35#)
25 KB box carry overs (20")
15 burpees
Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: Athletes need to focus on proper technique here. It's very easy to overload this movement or put your shoulder into a compromised position. Athletes should pick a weight that allows them to complete the 4 total reps without rest between them. Athletes should alternate arms between each rep. Can use either KB or DBs.
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Maintain a consistent rowing pace across all 2000m rowed
2) Focus on quick turn arounds while doing box carry overs
Strength / Skill
Clean technique review
6 min EMOM
- 1 power clean
- 1 squat clean
Split Jerk technique
8 min EMOM
- 1 power jerk
- 1 split jerk
WOD - 12 minutes AMRAP
30 deadlifts (95/65#)
20 front rack lunges (95/65#)
10 v-ups
Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: This is the start of a new strength clycle so we are prepping technique for a max out. Emom's are primarily for sharpening up technique. DO NOT ALLOW ATHLETES TO DROP WEIGHTS.
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Push through grip fatigue while holding on to deadlifts
2) Are intentional about getting their shoulders high off the ground while doing v-ups
WOD - 40 min EMOM
1 - bike for cals
2 - push ups
3 - hang power clean (95/65#)
4 - REST
Coaches Notes
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Maintain a rigid body position while doing push-ups
2) Limit as much resting as possible to the designed rest minute
Strength / Skill
Spend 8 minutes building to a moderate 5 rep front squat,
then every 2 minutes for 6 rounds (12 mins) complete 3 reps at the same weight
WOD - 3 min AMRAP
12 DB snatch (50/35#)
8 box jumps (24/20")
1 minute rest
repeat for a total of 4 AMRAPs
Coaches Notes
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Pace each interval as if it were the last
2) Are intentional about working on efficient dumbbell transition on the way down from each snatch
Strength / Skill
20 minutes to build to and complete 6 X 8 push press
WOD - for time (10 min cap)
chest to bar
push jerk (135/95#)
directly into
21-15-9 (10 min time cap)
wall balls (20/14#)
toes to bar
Coaches Notes
WOD: Barbell weight should be scaled such that athletes can complete 10 consecutive reps of push jerk when fresh. Chest to bar scale to other pull-up variations (kipping, banded, jumping) but should be more challenging than an athlete's regular scaling option.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Focus on achieving a complete lockout at the top of each jerk rep
2) Hold onto as large of sets as possible on the wall balls