Strength / Skill
7 x 4
WOD - 15 min amrap
1000m c2 bike
10 push press
10 toes to bar
L1 - 95/65
L2 - 135/95
L3 - 165/115
Strength / Skill
12 min emom
a) 14 back rack lunge
b) :40 wall sit
WOD - 5 rounds
2:30 to complete
20 kb swings
15/12 push-ups
max air squats in remaining time
rest 1:00 between rounds
L1 - 35/24
L2 - 53/35
L3 - 70/53
WOD - 10 rounds for time (40 min cap)
6 db thrusters
8 box jumps
10 pull-ups
200m run
L1 - 35/20
L2 - 50/35
L3 - 70/50
Strength / Skill
push/split jerk
build to a heavy 5 reps, then every 90 seconds for 6 round complete 3 reps at the same weight
WOD - 14 min amrap
7 power cleans
7 hspu
7 v-ups
49 double unders
L1 - 95/65
L2 - 135/95
L3 - 155/105
Strength / Skill
8 rounds
30 sec farmers carry/hold, followed by 30 sec rest
30 second hollow hold, followed by 30 sec rest
WOD - 4 rounds for time (18 min cap)
12 front squat
500m row
12 burpees over rower
L1 - 95/65
L2 - 135/95
L3 - 165/115