Strength / Skill
25 minutes to complete:
Back Squats
3 x 6 @ 65%
3 x 4 @ 75%
3 x 2 @ 85%
WOD - 12 minute AMRAP
10 DB push press (50/35#)
20 wall balls (20/14#)
30/25 cal bike
Things to keep in mind:
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this is a successful workout for an athlete if they:
1) Avoid burnout of the shoulders by using more leg drive in the wall balls
2) Maintain quick transitions between each movement
DB push press can be scaled with load; athletes should be able complete the first 3 rounds unbroken. WBs can be scaled for load/height; athletes should maintain manageable sets. Reduce the calories on the bike if it takes more than 2:30 to complete.
Strength / Skill
15 mins to complete 6 rounds of:
3 bench press
10 DB tripod rows (each side)
WOD - 5 rounds
3 mins to complete
- 200m run
- 6 devils press (50/35#)
- 12 box jumps
rest 1 min between rounds
Things to keep in mind:
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this is a successful workout for an athlete if they:
1) Limit resting to the 1 min between rounds
2) Maintain the same running pace from round 1 to 5
Scale run to 250m row or 450m bike for injured athletes. Devils press should be scaled so the athlete can maintain unbroken sets. Box jump can be scaled for height.
WOD - 30 min AMRAP
80 cal row
60 front squat (135/95#)
40 pull-ups
20 push press (135/95#)
Accessories - 4 x 20 bicep curls
rest as needed between sets
Things to keep in mind:
WOD: Get them gainzz for summer 2022, it'll be here before you know it!
Strength / Skill
1 RM deadlift
WOD - 5 rounds for time
15 KB swings (53/35#)
10 burpees
Things to keep in mind:
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this is a successful workout for an athlete if they:
1) Maintain unbroken sets for all 5 rounds
2) Focus on quick transitions between each movement
12 minute time cap. Scale weight for KB swings for unbroken sets for at least the first 3 rounds. Scale HSPUs to either Z press (heavy) or 2 wall walks.
Strength / Skill - Turkish Get-ups
Spend 5 mins building to a challenging weight, then
Every 90 seconds for 5 rounds
Complete 2 TGUs on each side
WOD - 15 minute AMRAP
10 DB box carry overs (50/35#)
20 push-ups
30 DB snatches (50/35#)
Things to keep in mind:
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this is a successful workout for an athlete if they:
1) Focus on efficiently turning around on top of boxes to descend facing the box on carry overs.
2) Practice transitioning db from one hand to the other on the way down in the snatches.