3 Sets:
10 Tripod Dumbbell Rows/side
10 Front Foot Elevated Split Squats/side
20 V-Ups
Echo Bike
(1) 8:00 building to a steady pace
--Athletes gradually build to a "hard warm-up pace" – relax into it, don't force it. By the last 1:00-2:00, they should feel that their breathing has changed, muscles are warm, and they're working at a good rhythm.
(2) 2:00 recovery pace
--Athletes are pedaling gently, focusing on breathing and recovering
(3) 5:00 max calories
--This is the "work". Athletes should push themselves, but encourage them to pace carefully so that they can finish strong rather than hitting a wall. It may be a good idea to aim for a negative split, i.e. getting more calories from 2:30-5:00 than they do from 0:00-2:30.
(4) 5:00 recovery pace
--Just a cooldown, but don't let them skip it!