Tuesday 10.22.19


Reverse Lunge 4x6
6 Reps each leg, these will be more f a staple going forward so utilize these to start finding a baseline loading wise on them.

14 Min AMRAP:
40 Wall-Balls
30 Push-Ups
20 Hang power snatch

L3- 95/65, HSPU for 20 reps
L2- 75/55
L1- A weight to do sets of at least 8-10 reps at a time on snatch.

Stretch- Shoulders, Glutes


4 sets:
8 front foot elevated reverse lunges each leg with Db's
:45 wall sit hold with single Db
8 Double Db front squat same weight as lunges

4 sets:
15 Feet up sit-ups
10 hanging knee raises with 3 second eccentric, feet stay in front of body whole time
10 Russian twists each side

10 min AMRAP:
30 Kb Swings (Russian style)
30 Burpees
30 Jumping lunge alternating