Use this time to practice your pull-up progressions. This can also be used for muscle up skill development, however only practice muscle ups if you have dialed in all forms of pull-ups including butterfly and butterfly C2B. Kipping skill practice is ideal here along with strict pull-ups for strength development. Try to spend half of the time on skill work and half on strength work.
1:00 on, :30 rest until completion:
3 Rounds:
12 Power Snatches
24/20 Calories Bike or Row
36 Double Unders
18 minute time cap (12 intervals)
Level 3- 95/65
Level 2- 75/55
Level 1- A weight to go unbroken on the first set of power snatch. Interval style workout but in a different format. Go hard from the start, aim to finish as much of the work in each window before the rest, then pick up where you left off until you complete your third round.