6 Foot, 7 Foot, 8 Foot Bunch


Back Squat 10,6,10,6,10,6
20 Minutes Maximum. If you performed this session last week, increase 5-10Lbs on your starting wave and on build up each wave. If you didn't then start with 65-70% for 10's and 75-80% for 6's.

Front Foot Elevated Split Squats 3 x 8 ea. leg
Superset with
Weight Step-ups 3 x 8 ea. leg
REST 1 minute

9 Minute AMRAP:
Alternating DB Snatch
Burpee Box Jump
Level 3- 50/35, 24/20
Level 2- 35/25, 24/20
Level 1- A weight that keeps you moving for 9 minutes continuously.