Live, Laugh, LIFT


Weighted Strict Pullup
15 Minutes. Start the 4's with 80-85% of pull-up 1RM and the doubles with 85-90% of 1RM. Build in weight after each successful wave. This segment will need to be more customized than the other strength pieces. For athletes that do not have the ability to perform weighted pull-ups, they will be accumulating 30 total reps of strict pull-ups with the least assistance possible. For those who cannot use bands yet, they should try to accumulate 3:00 of a pull-up bar hang using packed shoulders and engaged lats. If athletes 1RM weighted pull-up is under 15#, then they should perform the 6's unweighted and use light load for the 2's. 

DB 21's
3 x 21
Superset w/
Top of Row DB Hold
3 x :30 sec

On a 10 Minute Running Clock:
Minute 0-2 Max Front Squats
Minute 2-4 Max Shoulder to Overhead
Minute 4-6 Max Thrusters
Minute 6-7 Rest
Minute 7-8 Max Front Squat
Minute 8-9 Max Shoulder to Overhead
Minute 9-10 Max Thrusters 

Level 3- 95/65
Level 2-  75/55
Level 1- A weight that allows you to move for the whole piece, this should be something that you could do 30 Unbroken thrusters with when fresh.