Wednesday 11.14.18


Front Squat 5-4-3-2-1
Start the first set of 5 with 80% of 1RM, look to build up in weight across set. if 1RM was not tested, find a tough but reasonable weight for the first set and build for the other four.

Partner workout, for time:
50 toes-to-bars (total between partners)
40 synchro single-arm dumbbell snatches
50 Burpee Box Jumps (total between partners)
40 synchro single-arm dumbbell snatches
50 toes-to-bars (total between partners)
(17 Minute Cap)

L3- 50/35, 24/20
L2- 35/25, 24/20
L1- A weight that allows for sets of at east 10 reps on the snatch, and height for at least 5's on box jump over