Weighted Implements

“Weighted Implements”

Hand Stand WOD (15 Mins)
Static Holds: Work towards HS hold w/o wall support (kick to HS near wall, but no feet touching)
Free-standing in open area
Weight shifting against wall working towards shoulder taps against wall
Free-standing shoulder taps
Ii. Handstand walking
Iii. Handstand walking: create a “box” shape with bands and try to walk around perimeter facing the same direction (you’ll end up walking forwards, both directions sideways, and backwards.)

Hang Power Clean 75/55 FB: 95/65
Overhead Plate Lunges 20/10K FB: 25/15K
DB Push Jerk 30+/20+ FB: 40+/30+
*E2MOM: 10 Air Squats, starting at 0:00*