Coat of Arms

Friday 21st,

12 Mins to review Push Jerk and build in weight

"Coat of Arms"

6 Push Jerks (heavy) 145/100 FB: 165/110
12 Alternating DB Snatches 35/25 FB 40/30
4 Rope Climbs (Scale: 4 Lying to Stand pulls on rope or 8 Strict Chin Ups, supinated grip)
6 Push Jerks (heavy) 145/100 FB: 165/110
12 Alternating DB Snatches 35/25 FB 40/30
3 Rope Climbs (Scale: 3 Lying to Stand pulls on rope or 6 Strict Chin Ups, supinated grip)
6 Push Jerks (heavy) 145/100 FB: 165/110
12 Alternating DB Snatches 35/25 FB 40/30
2 Rope Climbs (Scale: 2 Lying to Stand pulls on rope or 4 Strict Chin Ups, supinated grip)
6 Push Jerks (heavy) 145/100 FB: 165/110
12 Alternating DB Snatches 35/25 FB 40/30
1 Rope Climbs (Scale: 1 Lying to Stand pulls on rope or 2 Strict Chin Ups, supinated grip)