Poo Poo Time

Friday, October 7, 2016

Warmup & Mobility

Skills & Drills:
Rope Climbs

Practice your rope climb skills for the first 5 minutes and then…
Partner 1 does 1 Rope Climb
Partner 2 holds a Plank
Accumulate 10-15 Rope Climbs as a team.

Metcon (22 Minute Time Cap)
Team Chipper
20 Wallballs
20 Partner Sit-Ups
20 Snatch
30 Wallballs
30 Partner Sit-Ups
30 Front Squat
40 Wallballs
40 Partner Sit-Ups
40 Cleans
50 Wallballs
50 Partner Sit-Ups
50 Shoulder to Overhead

Use the same weight for each movement. Should feel light for some movements and not so light for others. That is the purpose of this particular WOD.

Cool Down/Cash Out

Fitness/Performance/Competition: Use the weight that is right for both you and your partner. Be smart, be safe, have fun and crush the WOD!