Monday, October 3, 2016
0:00 - 15:00 - Warmup & Mobility
Coach Led - Include barless warmup for Back Squats in Strength
15:00 - 35:00 - Skills & Strength
Back Squats - Cycle 2 Week 1: 5|3|1 (base off your original 100% not your 90%)
5@65, 5@75, 5+@85
DO NOT READJUST YOUR 1RM, not even if you were one of those people who decided to find a new 1RM in the last cycle because you “knew” it had to be more than what you were doing…
35:00 - 50:00
Metcon: (10 Minute AMRAP)
Teamup x 2
Run 100/200/300/400
50:00 - 60:00
Cool Down/Cash Out